


It's especially in a place called "S' Isca Manna" that we find the most meaningful expression of the Mediterranean undergrowth, represented from: cistus (murdegu), strawberry (ollioni), myrtle (molt), lentiscus (modditzi), fillirea (arrideli) and a series of plants with leathery leaves and some exemplary of stately holm-oak.
In spring it's possible to observe besides the flowering of the cyclamens and, in proximity of the springs, and along the course of the rivers, the oleanders.
Wild boars, wild rabbits and foxes abound in the zone. Beside it is possible to sight Sardinian partridges, buzzards, imperial crows, blackbirds.

Currently the Commune is intervening for protecting and valorize this naturalistic area with an opera of reforestation and reserve so to make it enjoyable, both through the improvement of the roads and with the rational cut of the woods and the cleaning of the springs.


To welcome the visitors, have been created pic-nic areas and, in one of the most suggestive points of the zone, has been realized a point of comfort , with a pleasant external porch, of next opening, in which can be tasted typical plates of the local kitchen.


It's still easy to find in Esempio spontaneous landscapes as “Su staini saliu“, a small basin of brackish waters that occupies a surface of mq 225.280, where in the winter, stop the pink flamingos , the avocettes, the riders of Italy and whose shores are rich of tamerisks, of rushes and of coral grass. Currently workings are in progress, for the recovery of the zone finalized to the local tourist development. Moreover at around 6 Kms from the Town we find a spring of mineral waters, denominated “Mitza Pudexia “.



Data di ultima modifica: 21/03/2017

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